Most everyone can appreciate the beauty flowers bring to the table. But for allergy sufferers, simply being too close to certain varieties of flowers can set off a host of allergy symptoms—including runny noses, itchy and/or red eyes, headaches, itchy skin and even hives. With this in mind, be sure to talk to your local flower shop in San Francisco, CA before giving flowers! This will help you avoid giving flowers that may cause the receiver all kinds of misery.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common flowers that are known to trigger allergies:
- Baby’s breath: With a name as sweet as Baby’s Breath, you wouldn’t think its flowers had the power to cause itchy eyes and runny noses. But this flower, though small—and a favorite addition to many floral bouquets and a popular plant in rustic gardens—is packed with enough pollen to do just that. If you love the look of this tiny white flower, but not the pollen, choose the double flowered hybrid varieties that carry a lower level of pollen.
- Aster: Plants in the Aster family are responsible for causing the most allergy symptoms in allergy sufferers. Pollen from Asters doesn’t even have to be floating in the wind to trigger allergy symptoms in some people, including sneezing, coughing, irritated eyes, red eyes and skin irritations. Hay fever systems can be significantly worse in the springtime, as new plants and flowers filled with pollen begin to bud and bloom. Unfortunately, Asters tend to bloom later in spring, drawing out your allergy symptoms into the next season.
- Daisy: The simple and clean appearance of the daisy makes it a popular flower to include in a variety of fresh flower arrangements and bouquets. However, daisies are in the Aster family, which makes them high pollen producers. Bees love them, but people with pollen allergies should be wary of getting too close. It does not take much pollen to induce a reaction, though each individual’s tolerance is different.
- Sunflowers: Sometimes it’s the type of plant or flower that makes it a risk for allergic reactions. Other times, it’s the amount of pollen that’s a problem. Such is the case with sunflowers and allergies. Don’t be fooled by the sunflower’s lack of scent. Just because it’s not fragrant doesn’t mean you can’t be allergic to it! Just looking at the immense size of the flower’s center—when compared to other varieties of flowers—one can tell that it clearly produces a lot of pollen.
- Dahlia: Also in the Aster family are dahlia flowers. This flower’s beauty attracts insect pollinators and people’s curiosity, but you must be careful around them if you suffer from allergies. Pollen from dahlias can trigger an outbreak of hay fever symptoms upon contact that can last throughout the summer months. Like Baby’s Breath, the stamens of some dahlia hybrids with fluffy petals (listed as “formal doubles”) have almost no pollen at all.
Searching for a knowledgeable flower shop in San Francisco, CA? Look no further than The Delicate Daisy – House of Flowers. We’d love to help you pick out flowers you or a loved one can enjoy without the allergic side effects.